Indeed, the Safa and Marwah (are) from (the) symbols (of) Allah. So whoever performs Hajj (of) the House or performs Umrah, so no blame on him that he walks between [both of] them. And whoever voluntarily does good, then indeed, Allah (is) All-Appreciative, All-Knowing.
[Hence,] behold, As-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the symbols set up by God; and thus, no wrong does he who, having come to the Temple on pilgrimage or on a pious visit, strides to and fro between these two: for, if one does more good than he is bound to do-behold, God is responsive to gratitude, all-knowing
Lo! (the mountains) As-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the indications of Allah. It is therefore no sin for him who is on pilgrimage to the House (of Allah) or visiteth it, to go around them (as the pagan custom is). And he who doeth good of his own accord, (for him) lo! Allah is Responsive, Aware
Behold! Safa and Marwa are among the Symbols of Allah. So if those who visit the House in the Season or at other times, should compass them round, it is no sin in them. And if any one obeyeth his own impulse to good,- be sure that Allah is He Who recogniseth and knoweth
Indeed, ˹the hills of˺ Ṣafa and Marwah are among the symbols of Allah. So whoever performs the pilgrimage or minor pilgrimage, let them walk between ˹the two hills˺. And whoever does good willingly, Allah is truly Appreciative, All-Knowing.
Safa and Marwa are among the rites of God. Whoever makes the Pilgrimage to the House or performs the Umrah must stride between them. Regarding those who voluntarily do good, God is grateful and All-knowing.
Safa and Marwah are among the symbols set up by God; there is nothing wrong if anyone goes on a pilgrimage to the House, or performs a minor pilgrimage, in walking to and fro between them. Of anyone who does good of his own accord, God is appreciative, and aware
Surely the Safa and the Marwa are among the signs appointed by Allah; so whoever makes a pilgrimage to the House or pays a visit (to it), there is no blame on him if he goes round them both; and whoever does good spontaneously, then surely Allah is Grateful, Knowing
Truly, Safa and Marwa are among the Waymarks of God, so whoever made the pilgrimage to Makkah to the House or visited the Kabah, then, there is no blame on him that he circumambulates between the two. And whoever volunteered good, then, truly, God is One Who is Responsive, Knowing.
Safa and Marwa are some of God´s waymarks. Anyone who goes on Pilgrimage to the House or visits [it] will not be blamed if he runs along between them. With anyone who volunteers some good, God is Appreciative, Aware.
Surely! Safa and Marwah (2 hills in Makkah) are the symbols of Allah. So whoever performs Hajj (obligatory pilgrimage to Makkah) of the House (the Ka’bah at Makkah) or performs Umrah (optional visit to Makkah), there is no sin if one walks between the 2. And whoever does good voluntarily, then surely, Allah is All-Recognizer, the All-Knower.
Truly ?afa and Marwah are among the rituals of God; so whosoever performs the ?ajj to the House, or makes the ?umrah, there is no blame on him in going to and fro between them. And whosoever volunteers good, truly God is Thankful, Knowing
Safa and Marwa are among the symbols of God. Anyone who performs Hajj to the House or Umrah is not guilty if they circulate between them. Whoever volunteers goodness—God is Appreciative and All-Knowing.
Safa and Marwa are among the rites of God. Whoever makes the Pilgrimage to the House, or performs the Umrah, commits no error by circulating between them. Whoever volunteers good—God is Appreciative and Cognizant
Verily, As-safa and Al-Marwah (are) among the symbols of Allah. So one who has attended the Hajj at The House or has performed Umra — there is no blame on him if he made rounds in between these two. And that who voluntarily did a desirable act, then verily, Allah is All-Recogniser, All-Aware
Behold! Safa and Marwah (two hills in the Sacred Mosque) are among the symbols of Allah. So anyone who performs Hajj or Umrah (pilgrimage) to the House, there is no blame if one goes around both of them; and anyone who does good voluntarily should know that surely Allah knows the grateful
Surely, As-safa and Al-Marwah (i.e. two hills near the Kacbah) are among the way marks of Allah. So whoever makes the Pilgrimage (i.e. Hajj) to the Home, or makes the Visitation, (cUmrah, sometimes called the minor pilgrimage) then there is no fault in him to circumambulate them; and whoever volunteers any (optional) charity, then surely Allah is Thankful, Ever-Knowing
Safa and Marwah (names of two places in Mecca) are reminders of God. It is no sin for one who visits the Sacred House (in Mecca) to walk seven times between (Safa and Marwah.) Whoever willingly does a good deed in obedience to God, will find God All-knowing and Fully Appreciative
Indeed Safa and Marwah are among the marks of Allah. So whoever comes to the House for Hajj or performs ‘Umrah, there is no sin for him if he makes rounds between them; whoever comes up with good on his own, then Allah is Appreciating, All-Knowing
There is no blame for a pilgrim of the House or a visitor in walking between the Mount Safa and the Mount Marwa. (They are historical relics of Allah since Abraham and Ishmael worked there to build the Ka'bah. Rites and rituals in themselves are not the end. They must be treated only as devotional means to a higher goal (22:28)). Therefore, do every good deed possible that will benefit the community. Allah is Appreciative and fully rewards such people. He is all Knowing
Of course, the (hills of) ´safa´ and ´Marwa´ are among the symbols of Allah. Anyone who goes on Hajj (the pilgrimage), or the ´umrah´ (the visit), to the house (of Allah) may perform the ritual of running to and fro between these hills. There is no sin in that. It is better to perform this (ritual) on purpose. Allah knows the grateful ones; He is the all-Knowing
Look! (The two mountains named) Safa and Marwa are among the Symbols of Allah. So if those who visit the (Sacred) House in the season (of Pilgrimage) or at other times, should go around them, it is no sin in them. And if anyone follows his own wish to do good— Be sure that Allah is He Who recognizes (Shakir) all, All Knowing (Aleem)
Indeed, al-Safa and al-Marwah are among the symbols of Allah . So whoever makes Hajj to the House or performs 'umrah - there is no blame upon him for walking between them. And whoever volunteers good - then indeed, Allah is appreciative and Knowing
The flawless and the healthy are for the rites of God. So whoever makes Pilgrimage to the Sanctuary, or undertakes such, commits no error if he directs them. And whoever donates in goodness, then God is Thankful, Knowledgeable.
Safa and Marwa are among the rites of God, so for those who make major or minor pilgrimage to the House it is no offence to circulate between the two. Anyone who does good of his own accord will be rewarded, for God rewards good deeds, and knows everything
Verily Safa and Marwa are of the landmarks of Allah; so whosoever maketh a pilgrimage to the House, or performeth the Umra, in him there is no fault if he walketh in-between the twain. And whosoever voluntarily doth good, then verily Allah is Appreciative, Knowing
Truly Safa and Marwa are the symbols of God. Whoever goes on pilgrimage to the House (of God), or on a holy visit, is not guilty of wrong if he walk around them; and he who does good of his own accord will find appreciation with God who knows everything
Safa and Marwa are among the Landmarks of Allah, so anyone who goes on hajj to the House or does ´umra incurs no wrong in going back and forth between them. If anyone spontaneously does good, Allah is All-Thankful, All-Knowing.
(The hills of) as-Safa and Marwah are among the emblems God has appointed (to represent Islam and the Muslim community). Hence whoever does the Hajj (the Major Pilgrimage) to the House (of God, the Ka‘bah) or the ‘Umrah (the Minor Pilgrimage), there is no blame on him to run between them (and let them run after they go round the Ka‘bah as an obligatory rite). And whoever does a good work voluntarily (such as additional going-round the Ka‘bah and running between as-Safa and Marwah, and other kinds of good works) surely God is All-Responsive to thankfulness, All-Knowing
Indeed Safa and Marwah are among Allah’s sacraments. So whoever makes ḥajj to the House, or performs the ‘umrah, there is no sin upon him to circuit between them. Should anyone do good of his own accord, then Allah is indeed appreciative, all-knowing
Verily, Zafa and Merwah (mountains near the Kaaba) are of the beacons (symbols) of Allah, and he who makes the pilgrimage unto the House, or visits it at other times, it is no crime for him to compass them both about; and he who obeys his own Impulse to
Safa and Marwa (located in Mecca) are indeed two of God’s symbols, so there is no blame on anyone to go around them while performing the Hajj (the pilgrimage) or the Umrah (the visit) of the house (of Ka’aba). And whoever voluntarily does good, then God is indeed appreciative and knowledgeable.
Behold, Safa and Marwa are among the symbols of God. So whoever circles the House while performing Hajj or Umra, there is no wrong in that. And whoever follows his own impulse to do good, be sure that God is He Who recognizes and knows it
The hills of Safa and Marwa are Symbols of Allah; whoever comes to Allah’sHouse to perform the Hajj or Umrah, let him know thatthere is no objection in walking between them. Whoever works voluntarily will be rewarded by Allah, the Knower of all things
Indeed Safa and Marwah are among the emblems of Allah: it is, therefore, no sin for him, who performs Hajj or ´Umrah to the House of AIIah, to run between the two hills; and Allah knows and appreciates him who does any good with a willing heart
Indeed, the stone and the rock outcropping are among the symbols of God. So whoever makes Pilgrimage to the Sanctuary, or is merely visiting, commits no error should he traverse them. And whoever donates for goodness, then God is Thankful, Knowledgeable
Indeed, the Suafaah and the Marwa are among Allah's Symbols. So, whosoever undertakes a pilgrimage to the Houseor does visit it, there is no sinupon him/her in going to and fro between the two. And when anyone willingly follows anything good, Allah is indeed appreciative, knowing
No doubt, Safa and Marwa are among the symbols of Allah, then whose makes pilgrimage to this House or performs "Umra", there is no sin for him that he may go round both, and who so does any good voluntarily, then Allah is Appreciating and All-knowing.
The knolls of Safa and Marwah are among the rites decreed by GOD. Anyone who observes Hajj or `Umrah commits no error by traversing the distance between them. If one volunteers more righteous works, then GOD is Appreciative, Omniscient.
Safah and Marwah are the waymarks of Allah. Whoever performs the pilgrimage to the House or the visit, there shall be no guilt on him to circumambulate between both of them. And whoever volunteers good, Allah is Thankful, the Knower
The Safa and the Marwah are truly among the signs of Allah; so whoever makes a pilgrimage to the House or pays a visit (to it), there is no blame on him if he goes round them. And whoever does good spontaneously -- surely Allah is Bountiful in rewarding, Knowing
That the Saffa/rock and the Marwa/flint stones (are) from God's methods/ways of worship, so who performed pilgrimage (to) the House/Home , or headed to/visited so no offense/guilt/sin on him that (he) circles/walks around by them (B), and who volunteered good , so that God (is) thankful/grateful, knowledgeable
Walking (as a show of belief) between the hills of Safa & Marwa (near Mecca) is a God sanctioned ritual (instituted by Abraham) and a part of the pilgrimage to Mecca. This ritual is not a sin (in spite of the fact that it was practiced unknowing of its origin by the pagans in the past); after all, God knows what is in your heart (that this act of yours is to please God and not to glorify the idols of the past.
Undoubtedly Safa and Marwah * are among the symbols of Allah; so there is no sin on him, for whoever performs the Hajj (pilgrimage) of this House (of Allah) or the Umrah (lesser pilgrimage), to go back and forth between them; and whoever does good of his own accord, then (know that) indeed Allah is Most Appreciative (rewards virtue), the All Knowing. (These are 2 hillocks near the Holy Ka’aba
Surely, Al-Safa and Al-Marwah are among the Signs of ALLAH. It is therefore no sin for him who is on Pilgrimage to the House, or performs Umrah, or go around the two. And whoso does good beyond what is obligatory, surely then, ALLAH is appreciative of good deeds, and All-Knowing
Verily, Safa and Marwa are indeed amongst the signs of Allah. So, he who performs Hajj (Pilgrimage) or ‘Umra (Visitation) to the House of Allah, there is no sin on him if he ambulates (i.e., walks up and down between) the two. And if a person does a pious act voluntarily, then Allah is certainly Most Appreciative, Well Aware
The Safa and the Marwah (- the two eminences near Ka`bah) are certainly (two) of the symbols of Allah, so he who is on Pilgrimage to the House or performs `Umrah (- a visit to Ka`bah), there is no blame on him to perform Tawaf (- to run between) the two (eminences), and he who remains thoroughly dutiful and chooses to do good deeds spontaneously, then surely (he will find) Allah is Appreciative and rewards every good deed done. Surely, Allah is All-Knowing
Verily! As-Safa and Al-Marwah (two mountains in Makkah) are of the Symbols of Allah. So it is not a sin on him who perform Hajj or Umrah (pilgrimage) of the House (the Kabah at Makkah) to perform the going (Tawaf) between them (As-Safa and Al-Marwah). And whoever does good voluntarily, then verily, Allah is All-Recogniser, All-Knower
Safa and Marwa are among the waymarks of God; so whosoever makes the Pilgrimage to the House, or the Visitation, it is no fault in him to circumambulate them; and whoso volunteers good, God is All-grateful, All-knowin
Moreover Safa and Merwah are two of the monuments of God: Whoever therefore goeth on pilgrimage to the temple of Mecca or visiteth it, it shall be no crime in him if he compass them both. And as for him who voluntarily performeth a good work; verily God is grateful and knowing
Verily, Zafa and Merwah are of the beacons of God, and he who makes the pilgrimage unto the House, or visits it, it is no crime for him to compass them both about; and he who obeys his own impulse to a good work,- God is grateful and doth know
Verily, Safa and Marwah are among the monuments of God: whoever then maketh a pilgrimage to the temple, or visiteth it, shall not be to blame if he go round about them both. And as for him who of his own accord doeth what is good - God is Grateful, Knowing
Safā and Marwa¹ are two of God‘s beacons. It shall be no offence for the pilgrim or the visitor to the Sacred House to walk around them both. He that does good of his own accord shall be recompensed by God. God has knowledge of all things
Truly the Safa and the Marwa are among the landmarks of Allah so whoever goes for pilgrimage to the house or performs Umrah, there is no blame on him if he circumambulates around the two of them. And whoever performs an act of grace voluntarily, truly Allah is All-grateful, All-knowing.
Truly Safā and Marwa are among the Symbols of Allâh. So whoever makes Hajj to the House or performs 'Umrah- he would not be at fault if he walks between them. And whoever does good voluntarily (can rest assured that) Allâh is All-Appreciative, All-Knowing.
As-Safa and Al-Marwah are signs of worship from Allah, so if someone does Hajj or Umrah to the house it is no sin for him to go to and fro between them, and if someone does good voluntarily, then Allah appreciates and knows.
Safa and Marwah are among the symbols of Allah. Those who visit the (Holy Mosque) during the pilgrimage or at other times may walk around (the hills). They have not sinned [as pagans did in the past]. Whoever obeys his/her own good conscience can be assured that Allah is Appreciative and Aware.
Indeed, Al-Safa and Al-Marwa are among the rites of Allah, so whoever performs Pilgrimage to the House or performs Minor Pilgrimage, then no sin is committed by him if he circumambulates them. And whoever volunteers a good act—then Allah is indeed Thankful, All-Knowing.
Indeed, Safa and Marwa are some of Allah (God)'s waymarks. Anyone who goes on Pilgrimage to the House or visits [it for Umra] will not be blamed if he travels between them [like disbelievers’ behaviour before Islam]. For anyone who voluntarily does [it for the sake of] good, Allah (God) is Appreciative, Aware.
Surely the Safa and the Marwa are among Allah’s symbols. So, who did the Pilgrimage to the House, or did the Umrah, no misdemeanor on him that he circumambulated both of them, and whoever volunteered goodness so surely Allah is thankful, Knowledgeable.
Indeed, as-Safa and al-Marwah are among the signs of Allah. So whoever visits the House (Kaaba) with the intention of performing Hajj or Umrah – there is nothing wrong with performing tawaf between them (asSafa and al-Marwah). And whoever volunteers to do more in the name of good – indeed, Allah is the Shakur (abundantly appreciative) and the Aleem.
Behold, Safa and Marwah are among the Symbols (appointed by) Allah; so whoever makes the pilgrimage (Hajj) to the House, or performs 'Umrah, therefore it is no blame on him to go round them both. And for whoever (obeys Him and) initiates good, then verily Allah is Grateful, All-Knowing
Behold, the mounts of Safa and Marwa in Macca, long-time objects of superstition to the idolaters, are in fact territorial divinities. Therefore, he who goes on AL-Hajj (pilgrimage) to the Sacred Mosque or on the minor Hajj, the ‘Umra, incurs no blame to go round in procession, and he who offers of his own accord to perform this virtuous rite shall find Allah responsive to pious actions. Indeed, Allah acknowledges what is esteemed a worthy deed; He is 'Alimun
The (hills of ) Safa and Marwa are certainly among the symbols of Allah, so whoever is on a pilgrimage (Hajj) to the house (Kaaba) or pays a visit (Umrah) there is no sin on him if he goes around both of them, and whoever does good willingly, then Allah is certainly One Who acknowledges, the Knower.
Indeed, Safa and Marwa are among the waymarks of God; so whoever makes the pilgrimage to the House, or visits it, and there is no crime on him that he circumambulates both of them; and whoever volunteers good, then indeed, God is grateful, knowing.
Behold! Safa and Marwa are among the Symbols of God. So if those who visit the House in the Season or at other times, should compass them round, it is no sin in them. And if any one obeyeth his own impulse to good,- be sure that God is He Who recogniseth and knoweth
Indeed, Safa and Marwa (are) from (the) symbols (of) Allah. So whoever performs Hajj (of) the House or performs Umrah, so no blame on him that he walks between [both of] them. And whoever voluntarily does good, then indeed, Allah (is) All-Appreciative, All-Knowing
Inna alssafa waalmarwata min shaAAa-iri Allahi faman hajja albayta awi iAAtamara fala junaha AAalayhi an yattawwafa bihima waman tatawwaAAa khayran fa-inna Allaha shakirun AAaleemun
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